Summer 3Dflip Convenience Stroller, Black/Gray - Lightweight Umbrella

Offer Summer 3Dflip Convenience Stroller, Black/Gray - Lightweight Umbrella Stroller with Reversible Seat Design for Rear and Forward Facing, Compact Fold, Adjustable Oversized Canopy,1 Count (Pack of 1).

Summer 3Dflip Convenience Stroller, Black/Gray - Lightweight Umbrella Stroller with Reversible Seat Design for Rear and Forward Facing, Compact Fold, Adjustable Oversized Canopy,1 Count (Pack of 1)

Summer 3Dflip Convenience Stroller, Black/Gray - Lightweight Umbrella Stroller with Reversible Seat Design for Rear and Forward Facing, Compact Fold, Adjustable Oversized Canopy,1 Count (Pack of 1)

Category: Baby Product

Asin: B00OZJ6MQI


  • REVERSIBLE SEAT DESIGN – Change the way you look at umbrella strollers. The Summer 3Dflip Convenience Stroller has a unique reversible seat design that allows baby to face you when younger or face the world when they’re older and more curious. The folded dimensions are 40.38 x 13 x 9.50 inches
  • LIGHTWEIGHT - A lightweight stroller makes any outing a little easier. The Summer 3Dflip Baby Stroller has a durable, lightweight aluminum frame and a large seat area, plus anti-shock front wheels and toe tapping rear wheel locks.
  • FOR TRAVEL AND EVERYDAY – Whether you’re traveling or just on the go running everyday errands, having a lightweight, compact stroller is a must. With this one easy to use stroller, you’ll have both an everyday and travel stroller option.
  • ONE-HAND, 6-POSITION RECLINE - Keep your child comfortable with the 6-position recline (3 rear, 3 forward facing), infant head support, and 5 point safety harness. Great for naptime strolls & travel. Max weight: 25 pounds rear facing, 50 pounds forward facing.
  • ADJUSTABLE CANOPY – The lightweight umbrella stroller has an oversized, one-hand adjustable canopy with peek-a-boo window. Be sure your child’s head is centered between the headrest sides. Also includes parent cup holder and side storage pocket.

Buy On Amazon : Price : $101.79

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Most people reviews The Summer 3Dflip Convenience Stroller, Black/Gray - Lightweight Umbrella Stroller with Reversible Seat Design for Rear and Forward Facing, Compact Fold, Adjustable Oversized Canopy,1 Count (Pack of 1) are good stuff. They also say this product price is quite good. We’ve found pros and cons on this type of product. But overall, It’s a supreme product and we are well recommend it! When you want to know more details on this product, so read the review of those who have already used it.

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